Similarities and Differences between Odysseus and Achilles

Odysseus and Achilles are alike in so many different ways. They both have some of the same traits and they both have been through some of the same journeys. For instance, when Odysseus got finished being captured by the cyclops, fighting through the sirens, fighting through the sirens and everything else, he started losing his ship men. Versus when Achilles was fighting in the battle, he lost “his dear comrade Patrodus”(on line).Another comparison  between these two characters is that they both felt responsible for their men that they lost. One thing about Odysseus that makes him different from Achilles is that he is a risk taker. When it came to Achilles, he was not a risk taker. Before he went into the battle, he had to wait for his mother to come back with his armour shield because he was afraid to go into the battle without it. One more thing that makes these two characters different is that Odysseus is more of a humorous person and Achilles is more serious.

The character I felt is more of a satisfying hero is Odysseus. The evidence that I have for this is that even though he started losing his men because they were dumb and stupid and didn’t want to listen, he still wanted to continue his journey no matter what happened. He was a very brave person. During his journey he never feared anything. He was always ready for what was going to be thrown at him. All these traits that he has made me feel like he was determined. Odysseus is only a violent person when he has to be. I would classify Odysseus as a Jungian hero. One of the main things that classifies him as this type of hero is that he has no fear. That is a true hero.

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1 Response to Similarities and Differences between Odysseus and Achilles

  1. benander says:

    I like your comment about how Achilles had to wait for his mother to bring him his armour. Waiting for your mom to bring your clothes to the battle does kind of take the sheen off the hero-glow. You make a good point about Odysseus being very determined. We do like that in our heroes.

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